L o a d i n g . . .
Anne Shirley

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Anne Shirley

CV:Honoka Inouecomment

Having lost her parents at a young age, Anne is adopted from the orphanage and comes to Green Gables at the age of 11. Her cheerful, positive personality and rare imagination sometimes lead her to make mistakes, but she draws in those around her and is surrounded by love as she grows into a young woman.

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  • アンの表情差分
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  • アン・シャーリー

    Anne Shirley

  • マリラ・カスバート

    Marilla Cuthbert

  • マシュウ・カスバート

    Matthew Cuthbert

  • ギルバート・ブライス

    Gilbert Blythe

  • ダイアナ・パーリー

    Diana Barry

  • J.A.ハリソン
