L o a d i n g . . .
Anne Shirley

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Gilbert Blythe

CV:Naoya Miyasecomment

The smartest, most handsome boy in school. Prone to mischief. He teases Anne for her red hair, causing the two to get off to the worst start possible. He has a crush on Anne, but has trouble telling her. Through many events, he becomes deeply involved in Anne’s life.


  • アン・シャーリー

    Anne Shirley

  • マリラ・カスバート

    Marilla Cuthbert

  • マシュウ・カスバート

    Matthew Cuthbert

  • ギルバート・ブライス

    Gilbert Blythe

  • ダイアナ・パーリー

    Diana Barry

  • J.A.ハリソン
