L o a d i n g . . .
Anne Shirley

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Matthew Cuthbert

CV:Yasunori Matsumotocomment

The older Cuthbert sibling. He is single and has trouble talking to women. He is charmed by Anne’s stories after she is sent by mistake. He is understanding of his new daughter and always watches warmly as she stirs things up. He cares about her happiness more than anyone.


  • アン・シャーリー

    Anne Shirley

  • マリラ・カスバート

    Marilla Cuthbert

  • マシュウ・カスバート

    Matthew Cuthbert

  • ギルバート・ブライス

    Gilbert Blythe

  • ダイアナ・パーリー

    Diana Barry

  • J.A.ハリソン
